Management 101

Are you a new manager struggling to navigate the complexities of leadership? Do you want to take your management skills to the next level and build a high-performing team? If so, Management 101 is the online course for you.

Management 101 is a comprehensive, self-paced online course that will teach you the essential skills and strategies you need to succeed as a manager. From emotional intelligence to recruitment and onboarding, this course covers everything you need to know to build a successful career in management.

With lifetime access to the course, you'll be able to learn at your own pace and revisit the material whenever you need a refresher. And at just £300, this course is an incredible value for the level of knowledge and expertise you'll gain.

Here are the modules you'll explore in Management 101:

  • Emotional Intelligence: Learn how to manage your own emotions and understand the emotions of others to build strong relationships with your team.
  • Mindset & Managing Yourself: Develop a growth mindset and learn how to manage your time and priorities effectively.
  • Leadership Styles: Explore different leadership styles and learn how to adapt your approach to meet the needs of your team.
  • Effective Communication: Master the art of communication, from active listening to giving feedback and holding difficult conversations.
  • Managing Teams: Learn how to build and manage a high-performing team, including setting goals, delegating tasks, and fostering collaboration.
  • Managing Performance: Discover strategies for setting goals, providing feedback, and measuring performance to help your team reach its full potential.
  • Managing Productivity: Learn how to help your team work more efficiently and effectively, including techniques for delegating, prioritizing, and managing workflows.
  • Planning & Prioritising: Develop the skills you need to plan, prioritise, and execute projects and initiatives successfully.
  • Recruitment, Induction & Onboarding: Learn how to attract and retain top talent, including effective recruitment strategies, onboarding processes, and employee development.
  • Useful Frameworks, Models & Tools: Discover a range of practical frameworks, models, and tools that underpin some of the essential skills you’ll need as a manager, including coaching, performance management and feedback

With Management 101, you'll gain the knowledge and skills you need to excel as a manager and build a high-performing team. Sign up today and start your journey towards success!

11 Modules

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Before you dig in, here is the overview of what topics are where and how to use the training 

Emotional Intelligence

If you're going to be a better manager, you need to manage yourself first. This module focuses on helping you develop the emotional intelligence skills to better manage and communicate with your team

Mindset & Managing Yourself

Your mindset is crucial to your success AND to how much you enjoy your role (especially in the face of the inevitable challenges that come with being a manager). This module considers what mindset is and how you can build useful beliefs and habits that make life easier for you and enable you to be a role model for others 

Leadership Styles

If Management Skills are the ‘What’ you need to be able to do, Leadership is about  ‘How’ you deliver those skills and influence others effectively

Even if you don't think of yourself as a leader, leading comes as part of the deal of being a manager

Managing Teams

Line managing one person might not be easy, but it is fairly simple. Once you start to manage teams then things get more complex. You've still got individuals to manage, but you also have responsibility for getting them working effectively together

Useful Frameworks, Models & Tools

Frameworks and models can be useful, especially when you're learning something new

I've picked out some of the ones I found most useful in my own career, and the ones that have been most useful when I've delivered training over the years 

Modules for this product 11
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