Leadership Launchpad

Do you need to make the shift from newly promoted to nailing your leadership role?

Have you been promoted into a management or leadership role for the first time and found yourself lacking the confidence you’d like to have about how to do it right? Are you struggling with some (or all) of the following?

  • You question yourself on how to approach things and hold back for fear of getting it wrong
  • You know what kind of a manager you don’t want to be but that isn’t helping you figure out how you do want to operate
  • You’re on the receiving end of feedback or criticism from your boss that you need to be more decisive, be firmer or address issues more quickly. You’re anxious about how to get the balance between ‘not enough’ and ‘too much’
  • You wish your team was more motivated and would show more initiative. You feel like you’re having to do too much of their thinking for them and there are niggles between team members that sap your energy
  • You know you’re good at the technical elements of your job, you just wish you could have the same confidence about the management side
  • You’re ambitious; you know that if you can’t get this nailed then you won’t get the next opportunity

Would you like to be able to handle things confidently and under your own steam rather than have to escalate them to your boss? To tackle things as they come up without them draining your energy or creating anxiety and stress?

How would it feel to have a motivated, engaged team who are getting the kind of results that are getting you and them noticed?

What if you could stop worrying about the lack of a leadership rulebook because you know you’re confidently nailing the management side of your role just as well as the technical side

I’m Jacqui, and this is exactly what I help people achieve through the Practical Leadership Academy. Early in my career I got a number of promotions in quick succession. Each time, I faced the same challenges. How to hit the ground running, how to build a team, and how to be assertive without being seen as a bull in a china shop

It was fly by the seat of my pants trying to develop myself to be the confident leader and manager I wanted to be. I struck lucky with some approaches, but I also got a lot wrong

I’d seen the bosses I didn’t want to be like, but I didn’t have a role model to emulate because the bosses I admired were different from me. I had to find my own way to lead and manage. As a result, I read books, listened to podcasts and tried to find my own way through until I got to the stage where the business I was working for invested in supporting me

The Practical Leadership Academy is what I wish I’d had back then. A structured approach to help you navigate the path from technical expert to confident leader

How It Works

When you sign up, you get

  • 12 months access to the academy to give you plenty of time to learn, implement and revisit
  • A mix of written and video learning content along with downloadable resources and workbooks to make key content easier to refer back to when you need
  • Immediate access to all sections that have already been released, so you can dip into it whenever you have a specific challenge to navigate
  • Bite size learning to avoid needing to find hours to commit. Each section takes no more than half an hour to make it easier to fit it into a busy working week
  • One hour monthly mentoring calls, so you can ask questions and get tailored advice to your own specific circumstances
  • Preferential rates on any additional services you choose to add (Emotional Intelligence assessments, 1:1 coaching sessions or other courses)

For immediate access, just click ‘buy’ and you’ll receive login details as soon as your payment is complete

If for any reason you’re not happy within the first 14 days after buying access you can simply email to request a full refund

8 Modules

Start Here

Before you dig in, here is what you need to know about how to get the most from the Practical Leadership Academy

This is also the place to ask any questions on how to use the academy or request new topics that aren't in here yet but would be useful 

It Starts With You

The more you understand yourself as a manager and leader, the easier it gets to figure out how and where you want to develop yourself further

This section covers emotional intelligence as a behavioural framework for leaders and will encourage you to use self reflection & awareness as a basis for prioritising your own development

Key Management Skills

If you're not confident about how to handle a situation it's natural to either avoid handling it at all or worry about it

In this module we'll look at some of the skills you'll need to be a confident line manager - from delivering feedback to handling strong personalities 

Key Leadership Attributes

If Management Skills are the ‘What’ you need to be able to do, Leadership Attributes are the ‘How’ you deliver those

In this module we'll look at things like inspiring trust, building influence and operating effectively under pressure

Team Leadership

Leading a team is more than just line managing a group of individuals 

In this module we'll look at the challenges that team leadership presents and how to ensure you can bring people together as a team while balancing that with what you expect of individuals 

Operating Commercially

Operating commercially is about understanding the business priorities and ensuring that you can lead and manage in a way that makes the best possible contribution to them

You'll need to think commercially, use sound judgement when making decisions and sometimes implement things you don't agree with 

Modules for this product 8
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